About Us

Welcome to Tubbees Tuckshop!

We are a Glasgow based Desserts company, offering you our valued customers, more for a lot less!


Our Tuck Shop

We have a huge range of imported goods and general sweets! Our Pick ’N’ Mix has a massive range of sweets to choose from, and when it comes to imported goods…wow you will have a real treat! With special drinks from the USA, Thailand and more, you will definitely find something new to try!


Our Bakery

We have a full bakery team, working weeklong to provide our customers top-notch treats! From Cupcakes to candyfloss, it’s all made in-house with a true touch of passion and love from our bakers! Originally, the bakery was designed to fill our Dessert bar and partner RaceTrack retail stores with fresh, grab-and-go desserts for our customers here in Glasgow. Pretty quickly, our customers wanted to share our amazing products with family and friends, and that is where the Tubbees Shop comes in! Get a select range of our desserts directly to your door delivered by Uber Eats, Just Eat and Deliveroo!


Our Information

Tubbees ltd

68 Johnstone Avue, G52 4NZ